
Ett nytt inspirerande avsnitt med Nate Hills 

Where do I even start... This has come to be my favorite week of the year and the people absolutely make this event a once in a lifetime experience. Huge thanks to all the volunteers, media squids, racers, and fellow Yeti ambassador Megan Rose for continuing to deliver the best multi-day enduro race on the planet. I feel very fortunate to be part of this dysfunctional family. This is day one coverage from the 2024 edition of TBC. We will race 3 days in the Fernie area before heading north to visit the Panorama zone for the final 3 days. Keep it locked right here over the coming weeks to see what is actually happening behind the scenes in this unreal race. You are going to want to pencil this event in for 2025, you can thank me later-

DSMTB Nostalgi

Veckans bilder är från Flagstaff AZ 1999

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